A novel solution to skip traffic on US 29
A Better BRT would build on Montgomery County's current plan for BRT on Route 29.
Local leaders and civic advocates have a lot to say about Better BRT! Will you join them?
“Mr. Emerson’s proposed dedicated lane can largely be accommodated within the existing curbs and without removing travel lanes, which reduces additional impacts. In fact, it seems possible that most or all of the elements of the Executive’s proposal would nest readily into Mr. Emerson’s more comprehensive plan.”
“Sean Emerson and Sebastian Smoot testified how BRT on 29 could be accommodated by shrinking the lanes that exist today by one foot—getting them to 10 foot lanes—and putting a single track in the median for BRT.
“That testimony was really, very persuasive.”
“I really appreciate the work that was done by Sean and Sebastian. They cited the studies that showed you can get BRT with six [general purpose] lanes and two lanes of BRT in 85 feet. And they talked about the importance of using a guided system. They did a major contribution in their design in showing examples of how things actually could work.”
“Bus Rapid Transit will be much more efficacious—and a far more desirable alternative to the automobile—if it runs in dedicated lanes for its entire length. I appreciate the work that Sean Emerson and Sebastian Smoot have done to explore creative options that could achieve this goal.”
“BRT provides a successful, high-quality transit option in other areas and has the potential to enhance the transit options for our residents and alleviate the increasing congestion on US-29. Doing nothing is a recipe for more congestion. So I look forward to the results of the County study of the impacts of a dedicated median lane and letting those results guide our decision-making going forward.”
“This proposal has generated a lot of interest. It seems sort of magical, frankly, in terms of a solution.”
“Bus Rapid Transit has the potential to be a game changer for mass transit in Montgomery County, unlocking access to opportunity for many of our residents. Taking the time to study how best to deploy BRT along US-29 will give us the blueprint we need to maximize the effects of the system on the Down and East County communities.”
“We believe that the Better BRT concept would be an excellent ‘Phase 2’ addition to the County’s current US 29 BRT project, once that first phase is completed.”
“BRT means faster and more reliable transit for Montgomery County, and fewer drivers on the road. And Better BRT on US 29 means efficient use of road space with minimal disruption to drivers. Better BRT on US 29 is a creative solution to a pressing Montgomery County transportation challenge.”
“As a regular user of public transportation, I know how important BRT is to the future success of our community. Better transit is also a matter of economic justice – ensuring that all residents have access to safe, reliable and fast transportation so they can commute to work and school.”
“BRT is a safe, efficient, cost-effective way to reduce congestion and improve our air quality. It is an essential tool to grow our economy and provide transit access to all parts of Montgomery County”
“Access to reliable transit options is a quality of life issue for our County residents. Countless residents waste hours of their lives in traffic every year, while others lack the very access to employment centers or educational facilities. A Better BRT means more time spent with your family, accessing a better job or getting to class on time.”
“The Better BRT proposal could take Route 29 bus rapid transit from good to great. Let’s do the studies to find out whether it will work.”
“Access to quality transit is an essential ingredient to making life in our community more affordable. Too many residents, particularly in our traditionally under-served neighborhoods, are squandering countless hours and dollars in traffic. We need Better BRT to ensure everyone has equal access to quality transportation options and the economic opportunities that follow.”
“East County has been sitting in traffic for too long. Fast, reliable transit means access to jobs, a cleaner environment, and more time with friends and family. That’s why I support Better BRT.”
Better BRT would consist of the following features to provide high-quality service.
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"Better BRT" is an idea developed and promoted by two local residents as an upgrade to the BRT project that Montgomery County is planning to build along the Route 29 corridor.
This website and the concepts herein have not been formally adopted by Montgomery County—at least not yet! That's why we need your help...
If you agree that the county should evaluate the feasibility of a Better BRT, please sign our petition.
We can be reached via this contact form, email, facebook, or twitter.